Thursday, November 6, 2008


Dan has been a little crazy lately.

We have canned Tomato sauce, tomatoes, Jam and Jellies. So I should have guessed that apples would be next. This is pie filling. It turned out great. I did lose one jar on the canning pot. The other funny thing about this is that we almost always start late. By the time we are done, I'm about a sleep.
(Dan has also made 5 homemade apple pies and not ate store bought bread for two months. He makes all his own bread.)


Man Of Steele said...

Way to go!

Susie Q said...

Im soooo glad you have a blog. I feel like I never know whats happening up North. I have been canning like crazy.

Russ Steele said...

We will have to come up for some apple pie filling> Way to go!

Forsyth Family Fun said...

I am way impressed with the bread maker. Is it wheat or white?