Ok my once a month goal is not working. I need to get in gear. We love our new computer. I have to fight with the kids for my turn. This week has been a little crazy. I seem to take to much on. Monday I worked in Liam's class then home to sew and sew and sew. I did get the costumes all done. Tuesday was our wards trunk or treat and I was in charge of cotton candy. (which I borrowed from the PTA) It went off great. I had too much, but by the end of the night I was dead dog tried. Wednesday was a low day until I got the call the cotton candy machine no longer worked. Stress. I had left it at the church for another ward to use. She didn't get enough for her Trunk or treat. I stressed the whole night because the PTA needed it for Thursday's Monster mash. So I got up this morning trying to figure out how to fix it by 12PM. Dan even used he's planning time taking it a part with no luck. Luck for us the another school let us borrow there's. So run over there to get theres and back to our school to help make cotton candy for two more hours. (can I tell you that I hate cotton candy now- I didn't even want a taste) I hope that I sleep good tonight, because tomorrow is another full day at school. Party party party!!!!!
Hopefully I will remember to take pictures and post again!