Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Almost 3 weeks!

Well, Hazel gets held a lot at our house. I think that she is going to be very spoiled. We went to the Doctors again today and I guess the cookie and cupcake diet has worked. She gained 10 oz in one week. (she only should have gained 7 oz) So mom and I teased that in 4 weeks when they come again she will have gained 40 oz. (2 1/2 pounds) She will be a big girl.

We even went on our first walk. We walked to the library which is about a mile. We love our stroller. She did great on the way there, but was a little fussing on the way home. Too long between meals. I really needed the walk, but I was a little bit sore last night. I should a have worked up to the mile.

1 comment:

Susie Q said...

I can tell the kids are smitten by this little cutie!